3rd International Summer School on Statistical analysis of spatial Data in Agro-Environmental research (SDAE)
4-8 August 2025

SDAE 2025
The international summer school on “Statistical analysis of spatial Data in Agro-Environmental research” (SDAE, 3rd edition) will provide examples of the mostly used statistical analysis of agro-environmental data at various scales, from plot over catchment to regional scales.
Topics: Statistical analysis, advanced literature search and meta-analysis, data modelling (e.g., spatial mixed models, (e.g. random forest, ANN), methods for covariate acquisition and selection, use of reference databases on land cover, soil, climate and weather data.
After the SDAE summer school, participants will be able to deal with spatial data (e.g., visualization, spatial references and projections, terrain analysis, modelling), and to use advanced literature analysis tools.
The school is structured with theory classes in the morning and practical sessions in the afternoon, focusing on real-world applications and case studies related to agronomy, spatial data management, and terrain analysis.
The course is dedicated to PhD students, young researchers, master students, professionals specialized in territorial analysis with numerical-statistical background.
All practical activities will use a common dataset, as for a preparation of a scientific peer review manuscript
A beautiful location
Lake Como School of Advanced studies is located c/o Fondazione Alessandro Volta in the beautiful setting of Villa del Grumello, in Como, Italy

Venue & Accommodation
The Lake Como School of Advanced Studies is an international research facility. We run fellowships, short term programmes on a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects, that share a common focus on complex systems.